This is Lily's (successful!) weight loss story.
Lily visited to us for her annual vaccination with Dr Daniel, and we quickly noticed an issue with her health. Lily likes her food a little too much, and was suffering from obesity. She lacked energy and could only walk for short distances. Her dedicated owner signed Lily up to Dr Daniel's Hills Pet Nutrition Weight Management Program. Since signing up, Lily has progressed in leaps and bounds, achieving incredible weight loss goals and is already living a much more active, happy lifestyle. Her owner found that Lily isn't begging for more food while on the program, even though she's actually feeding her a larger portion than before! This is all due to her specialised diet, which is low in calories and helps her feel fuller for longer.
You go, girl! We also want to say thanks to Lily's owners for being so caring and loving, and for their lovely thank you message!
Obesity predisposes our pets to numerous conditions, including arthritis, cancer, urinary tract infections and pancreatitis, just to name a few. Weight loss in pets is incredibly difficult to achieve without the right support and a clear, easy-to-follow weight loss plan. Dr Daniel is passionate about helping your pets achieve their weight loss goals, so if you think your pet could benefit from his plan the way Lily has, contact us and book in your pet for a weight management consultation today!